It was very comforting reading this, as I also of late have been experiencing my own regrets on certain situations I wished had worked out a little different.

Thanks for sharing Adaobi!

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As for Star Trek, maybe watch "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan". That might change your mind a bit on Star Trek. The episode "Balance of Terror" from the original series may help too. As a bonus, the episode "Space Seed" from the original series is sort of the prequel to "The Wrath of Khan".

But if you end up not liking any Star Trek, that's fine too.

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cackled at the star trek bit — the only form of Star Trek media i have remotely able to relate to is “Star Trek: Lower decks” — an animated adult comedy based on the grunt workers on the ships. while it did distill the Star-Trek-verse’s science, terminologies and optimism for humanity’s future in the stars etc etc it still wasn’t a strong enough entry point into any of the old shows or movies. the fact that you even saw the movies already makes you a better man than me.

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